So, I don’t think I’ll write this blog anymore. Obviously, I’m no longer needed. If other people out there have been inspired to write their own Architecturally themed lyrics, based on popular songs, then clearly, my job here is done. Case in point, My friend Lee Calisti at Think Architect has written his own variation on a Julie Andrews classic. Right, of course he has, it’s HERE and has been inserted below for your amusement:
[ok, picture a dark stormy saturday evening in a studio, the room is filled with architectural students nervous from the pending thunderstorm. they gather around their professor, who breaks out in song as she dances around the studio with sheets of tracing paper swirling in the air…you know the tune, please sing along.]
Clean modern houses and Corbu eye glasses
Bumwad and pencils and Arch-history classes
Black clothing worn in the warmest of spring
These are a few of my favorite things
Sketching and modeling – drawing new places
Thinking and pondering possible spaces
Museums, photos and traveling flings
These are a few of my favorite things.
[**musical interlude and joyous dancing here**]
Victorian houses with colorful sashes
Stainless steel finish on anything flashes
Winning, designing a building’s new wing
These are a few of my favorite things.
When the charette tanks
When the screen blanks
And I’m feeling mad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad.
[Repeat all verses…again and again and again…joyous dancing is expected, even your office…watch if the boss shows up.]
There Jody, your turn to have a crazy song stuck in your head all day….
Indeed Lee, this song will be stuck in my head for days. At least until it’s pushed aside by Kanye West, you Mutha f….
photos are from what appears to be the world’s greatest version of the sound of music from thetalesend’s photostream on Flickr (used under creative commons license)
and, please go check out Lee’s blog. It’s becoming quite good –> CLICK HERE