Things you may not have known about Le Corbusier


It’s been a while since I went into the vault here at Coffee with an Architect. Yes, the stainless steel fur-lined vault of Architectural secrets I keep behind the portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright holding a pear. Frankly, I’ve been hesitant to reopen it since the last time (HERE). Some things are better left in the dark aren’t they? But, this morning I put on my leather chaps and waded back in. (the chaps were really not necessary). And, a few hours later I emerged holding another box of secrets. This one carefully marked “Corbu/France/Maybe” in black Sharpie. Opening the lid with apprehension, I discovered these, surprising facts about Le Corbusier. Yes, that Le Corbusier; Founding father of Modernism, reluctant (morning only) Cubist painter, original facial purveyor of circular black-rimmed angst, and apparently:

Le Corbusier was not an Architect; He was an angry Swiss bureaucrat desperately trying to return to his homeland by way of sculptural concrete forms.

Le Corbusier had a medical condition that made it difficult to stand. However, He became more comfortable when elevated 1 or more stories above the ground plane.

As a child Le Corbusier was punished severely after playing with toys of any color besides, white, blue or red.

Le Corbusier was sexually aroused by board-formed concrete (but you knew that didn’t you?)

Le Corbusier had a nine-square grid tattooed just above his vagina.

Le Corbusier was unable to put his left arm down. Also he was 2 dimensional, and perfectly proportioned.

Le Corbusier had a very delicate complexion. In the summer months he would fashion an elaborate shade structure from balsa wood to surround his pale Swiss skin. Of course, it was adjustable, and bad-ass.

Le Corbusier thought France smelled funny. (And, it probably did).

Le Corbusier was named after his mother’s cat, from Switzerland.

Le Corbusier’s face was lonely before the glasses, and also after the glasses, a little bit.

Le Corbusier was a solid concrete mass of awesome perforated by the doubt of post war Europe.

Yeah, Right, I’ll just put this box back on the shelf. I seriously need to stop going into the vault. Nothing good ever seems to come of it. Oh wait, does that box over there say ” Mies” on it?



photos are from pieter.morlion’s photostream on Flickr (used under creative commons license)
