DAY 1 – Paul Rudolph


That’s right, It Architecture Week again! The Amereican Institute of Architects has officially deemed April 8-14 a week to celebrate, and I won’t argue. Although, this is a totally made-up holiday and a fine excuse to spend the week talking about architecture.  So, this week I’ll dedicate the blog to “Architecture”, which, oddly, is a rare thing here at Coffee with an Architect. I tend to talk “around” architecture. But this week, I’ll look it right in the eyes. Like a hungry tiger, or a panther, no, a black panther, made of concrete and angst.

I celebrated Architecture Week last year (HERE), so I guess I should do it again right? Don’t answer that. Here goes.

Day 1 – Paul Rudolph. American Architect, former Dean of Yale, and master of Brutalism, which sounds less awesome than it actually is.

Enjoy the board-formed concrete:



See you tomorrow! By the way, if you happen to be reading this in an email… you should click thru so you can view the gallery on the website. I don’t think it shows up in the emails…


All photos are from Seth Tissue’s photostream on Flickr and have been used under the creative commons license.

They are amazing photos and you can check them all out HERE