Dear Modern Santa

Dear Modern Santa,

This year I want a new walnut veneer flush panel cabinet to store all my trucks in. I’d also like some trucks.

Mom says I’ve been a good boy all year long. I’ve tried to keep my things balanced and organized. I’ve kept all my trucks lined up in a neat row on top of my Mom’s Noguchi coffee table. And I never EVER sit on Dad Eames Lounge chair. I spend most of my time standing by the floor-to-ceiling glass wall staring out towards the Japanese rock garden.

Maybe someday Mom will let me play outside.

It’s cold in here. But I dress warm. I’ve worn black every day this year just like you told me to. Mom even knitted me a new turtleneck to wear on special occasions. Mom says I should wear more bow ties, but they scratch my neck. I can’t get used to the pipe either, but Dad says I will eventually. I’ll keep trying.

Are you the real modern Santa? Or are you that overhyped post-modernist Santa they have working at the mall? His beard is fake and he’s surrounded by ionic columns and angry elf interns. The elves say he doesn’t pay them.

I know you’re real. I believe. I believe. But, Susie says you’re just made up. She says that you’re a publicity stunt to sell more stainless steel and glass. But, I know you’re real. So, I left nine perfectly round cookies arranged in a nine-square grid on the fireplace hearth for you and some asparagus for the reindeer. Are they really from Norway? I love Norway.

Can I have an Alvar Aalto designed vase to keep my M&M’s in? And some Bjarke Ingles signature legos.

If you are the real modernism, why does no one else in my neighborhood celebrate you? Why are my neighbors stringing lights over the eaves of their suburban ranches and mini McMansions? Why is ours the only house on the block set up on pilotis? Where do they even put the tree if they don’t have a roof garden?

I’ll stay up all night on Christmas Eve to wait for you. I’ll be up anyway working on the drawings.

Love Timmy