Day 234 – Today, I worked on the building sections and section details. When I was finished, Thomas redlined the progress set. He gave me his marked-up set at 6:30. Most of his notes were simply question marks with arrows pointing at the detail. I decided to go home and deal with it tomorrow.
Day 235 – Thomas had me change the floor plans of the office we’re working on so that all the interior walls are centered on the 9′ grid. This matches the 9′ parking spaces for the ground-level parking. Thomas had me change all the dimensions so they are to the center of the walls. The framers will love it.
Day 236 – Thomas stood over my shoulder today while I drafted the plans today. “A little to the left,” he would say. Then he’d lean back and glare at it for a bit. “No, I think it was better before. Move it back.” We did this for hours.

Day 237 – Today we went to a meeting at the bank headquarters. We’re designing a new branch bank and Thomas needed to drop off some plans. We went through security and worked our way up to the bank manager’s office. Thomas waved and chatted with people as we passed by. I was following along nervously. When we left, I mentioned to Thomas that I was impressed with how comfortable he was. “You walked around like you belonged there”, I said. Thomas said, “No, I walked around like I owned the place.”
Day 238 – Thomas wore a blue sweater today. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him wear anything but his black sweater. I kept thinking there must be something wrong or maybe we just got hired to design a golf clubhouse.
Day 239 – Thomas parked his Porshe 911 in my parking spot today. Someone had parked in his usual spot. I parked on the street and walked around the block to get to work. I was a little late.
Day 240 – One of the people I used to work with sent me a Fed-ex package today. Inside was a single color copy of a rendered perspective of the project I was working on before I left. They had used yellow tracing paper to generate the image. This caused the streets in the rendering to have a yellow hue. My colleague had written a note with an arrow pointing to the street. It said, “Flood street with urine, Let me know.”

Day 241-242 – We had to pull an all-nighter today to get the drawings ready for tomorrow’s presentation to the client. Thomas stayed until 6:30 pm, and then left us to wrap things up. I left at 4:00 am. Thomas was upset in the morning because the design was not what he had envisioned. He texted me a 6:00 am to tell me to come in early to make a few changes. The client will be here at 9:00 am.
Day 243 – We ran out of coffee today. Thomas was nowhere to be found. Mark just went home to get some.
Day 244 – I’ve been working on one deadline after the other lately. I think today is the 10th day in a row that I’ve been in the office. There’s only a few of us here today. It’s Saturday. I think it’s Saturday.

You can jump HERE for My Architectural Internship (Part 1)