10. As an architect, you will have exceptional taste in absolutely everything. Sadly, you can not afford your own taste.
9. As an architect, you will spend all day helping your clients realize their dreams. Unfortunately, your clients will be married, and you’ll spend most of your time helping them compromise with each other.
8. As an architect, you will have amazing attention to detail. You will also notice everything that doesn’t align. Everything.
7. As an architect, you be universally admired and universally misunderstood.
6. As an architect, you will not just be part of a creative field, but creativity will begin to define your entire life, for better and worse.
5. As an architect, you will have a craft that you can work on and improve upon for the rest of your life. This work will never be finished.
4. As an architect, you will be part of creating a permanent and lasting contribution to society. You will leave your mark.
3. As an architect, you will have a broad knowledge. You will know a little bit about everything. Your skill is in pulling all this diverse knowledge together within one design.
2. As an architect, you will have no set standard for who you should be. You can define your own path, forge your own image, and create your own unique presence. However, you will always wear black.
1. As an architect, you will spend all day visualizing. Sketching, drafting, scheduling, detailing, editing, exploring, and imagining. You will be creating something from nothing. It’s magic.