The modern style of design that is prevalent in the more urban areas of the country has strayed from traditional core values and should be limited and regulated.
Modern design aspires to remove ornamentation, expressing the true nature of the materials used, leaving exposed formed concrete, bare steel, and unadorned forms stripped of all details and left visible to all.
The structural frame of the building is exposed, clad only in glass, which leaves little to the imagination. The forms of the building are freely and openly expressed, following only function. Spaces are free-flowing, melding into one another, merging and blurring together, leaving little privacy, and following little or no law or order.
The facades of modern buildings are left undecorated, undressed, bare, sparse, and boldly unashamed. All in the open. In plain sight. In direct view of children.
I’m not suggesting that modern design is unnatural, No. Modern forms are natural and when expressed in the privacy of one’s own home and bedroom, can even be beautiful. But these unadorned forms should not be hoisted upon an unsuspecting public. To be used in our schools, in our daycares, and in our places of worship.
Modernism is a choice. A difficult lifestyle that consenting adults can enter into if they desire. But it should not be a choice that is thrust onto an unsuspecting tradition-loving citizen at every public restroom. With its cold, sterile environs flaunting modernism’s deviant lifestyle in every stainless steel-clad bathroom stall. Modernism is a lifestyle choice that the rest of us don’t need to see. Like a stainless steel stud in the exposed belly button of a civilized society.
Hence, I propose that modernism be limited to the private realm and that all public buildings, funded with taxpayer dollars, shall be constructed in the traditional style. A traditional style that reflects proper family values. A traditional style that is fully clothed in the proper decoration and non-sexual ornamentation that we all should aspire to as a nation.
And that modernism should be banned wherever children are present.