I’m no longer capable of a complete thought

Apparently, I’m busy. Which is odd, because I’m an architect and I thought we didn’t do that anymore. But, there it is. So this isn’t a real post. Because I’m no longer capable of a complete thought. I only seem to be capable of fragments of thoughts lately. I keep starting new posts, and then I get distracted by the “Voice” and a glass of wine, and end up trailing off, leaving unfinished fragments of awesomeness in the limbo of my wordpress dashboard. And let’s face it, I’m not going to pull it together tonight, so…here’s a few of those abandoned fragments that never made it into a complete thought…

For example – Mies Van Der Rohe is not amused:






I assume that “Travertine” is the modernist equivalent of “cowbell”

See what I mean?

I don’t know, Maybe I’m coming down with something:



I should just get some rest.