I think about West Virginia often. Especially, when I hear about a coal mining accident (which seems to happen too often). Coal mining has to be the most difficult, and dangerous way to make a living I can think of. And, a lot of my family has done it for years. I went to my family reunion last weekend in Point Pleasant … Read More
What is Design?
What is design? Design is about finding a balance. There’s a Japanese word for the place inbetween – “ma”. It’s the interval of time between two things. It’s the point in the swing of a pendulum when the object switches from an upswing to a downswing. It’s the pause just between. It’s the moment just before something happens, or changes, or … Read More
Southern Architects
Since I’m going to write about the south, I need to search my ipod for some Neil Young… Crap?, Neil Young’s not on my ipod? Give me a minute & I’ll fix that. Talk amongst yourselves for a bit….<loads itunes> Ahh.. better – “Southern Man” starts in earbuds… Shoot, I just realized this song’s not the Southern Anthem I thought – … Read More
Frozen Architecture
I really think Architects should be influenced by something beside other Architects. It’s probably a good idea to swim outside the pool to look for new ideas, right? A cold, frozen, icy pool. I mean, we can’t all be Jean Nouvel. Besides, he’s French (or Swiss, or, whatever…), and you’re not. So cut it out. I don’t care how many perforated screens … Read More
Architects and films
Films for Architects I need to re-up my Netflix subscription. What am I supposed to watch now that American Idol is over? So, I think I’ll start renting some movies again. I don’t usually have the attention span required to sit through a 2-hour film. But, it has happened and it could happen again. So, let’s queue up some films. … Read More
Architects may have OCD, I mean CDO
There’s a really good chance that a few architects have a tiny little bit of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Maybe just a tiny bit – just a smidge. Ok, a REALLY big smidge. And, make that most of us. Ok, fine 92% of us. No, make that 92.3% +/- oh screw it… I messed that up a bit, Let me start … Read More
Architects don’t read
I’m an Architect and my wife is a librarian. So, you’d think we have a lot of books, and, you’d be right. But, don’t get me wrong. I haven’t read most of them. Mostly, I just buy them, put them on a shelf for years, and stare at them. Ever few months I’ll take one down and flip through it, it’s … Read More
Why I want to be an Architect
When I was young (and very arrogant) I got the chance to work on a dream project. My firm at the time (GLPM now Treanor Architects) was designing a new Arts Center right downtown – The Lawrence Art’s Center. It was a joint venture with a non-profit and the city. It would house an auditorium, galleries, art studios, dance studios, jewelry … Read More
Architectural Competitions are a glorious waste of time
Competitions are a glorious waste of time… Do a lot of them I try to enter a few Architectural competitions each year. Apparently, my ego must be pretty resilient. I never win (never even get close) and yet, I just keep entering again and again. Oh, Architectural Competitions, Why can’t I resist your charms? Well, maybe because: They allow … Read More
Architecture and light
I was thinking about the qualities of Architecture that inspire. What is it that makes you feel uplifted when you walk into a space? What causes that sense of Awe? That feeling of being close to something greater than yourself? That unbearable lightness of being (to steal one of my favorite film titles)….? I’ll let you in on a little secret; It is NEVER the … Read More
Mies van der Rohe was a big jerk.
. Last summer I drove out to Plano, IL. to drool over the Farnsworth House, designed by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe between 1945-1951. I have family in Chicago, and go up to visit a few times a year. Since Plano is just out of town, I decided to make a day of it and go play Architectural tourist. I even … Read More
You should sketch everyday
. I sketch everyday. I sketch to find things. To explore ideas. Or just to kill time while I watch American Idol. When I pick up a pen to draw, I never really know what I’m looking for. But, the act of sketching helps me find it. I’ve been doing it a long time. And, at this point in my career, I can’t think … Read More