Because architects have a way with words, and it’s an angsty way with words. (you can jump back to Part 1 <HERE> and Part 2 <HERE> and part 3 <HERE> and part 4 <HERE> if you missed them) . . . . . . . It probably doesn’t. . All photos are from Chad Magiera’s photostream on FLICKR and have been used under the creative commons … Read More
Snippets of Angst
If you follow me on Twitter, then you should completely ignore this. Because you’ve probably read this before. Because, I assume that everyone who follows me on Twitter voraciously hangs on my every tweet. I also imagine myself as being taller on twitter. Furthermore, I like to imagine myself as a Nordic god, standing on the edge of a … Read More
The people who don’t hire me don’t trust me
I started my own firm in 2009. I think I mentioned that didn’t I? Anyway…. 2009 was not the best year to start a business, or to invest in real estate, or to buy groceries for your kids. But, I started my company anyway, mainly because of the “lack of anywhere else to work” thing, and because I’m awesome, mostly … Read More
An Architect by any other name
I’m an Architect. I am not a systems Architect, a computer Architect, a software Architect, a technical architect, a web architect, an R&D processor Architect, an IT systems application Architect, an infrastructure management Architect, an information management design Architect, or a HTML XML C++ LINUX enabled Programmer/Architect. I am not the the Architect of the 2000 Republican election strategy, … Read More
Because I drew this primarily for you to ignore
Oh no, go ahead and change that, sure, why not? Of course you can use a different material, especially since it’s cheaper and just like something that you’ve done before on another project. I assume that that project was amazing, we should just make this project exactly like that one, since you’ve done that before anyway. That way you … Read More
Every now and then I have a bad day at work, or a bad week or a bad month, and I find myself sitting at my computer at 9:00 p.m. working on something that, if I’m being honest, isn’t really that important, while my wife reads Harry Potter to my 9 year old in the other room, but I’m … Read More
Dear Sprinkler Head
Dear Sprinkler Head, There were two recessed can lights in the middle of the white ceiling perfectly centered on the window looking out to the ocean before you got here. The window is in the center of the east wall of the room. If you happened to look down at the floor you might have noticed a supply vent … Read More
Remembering who I am
Every few months (or years) I find myself digging through old sketchbooks and dusty portfolios trying to remember something that meant something to me a some point. As I flip through the drawings, I remember the sense of elation I had when I designed them. At the time the work seemed so prescient; it seemed so revelationary. Inevitably, these … Read More
I’m the one who draws
“You just do the pretty drawings, right?” If one more person says this to me, I’m going to quit my job as a drafting teacher at this community college and start making meth out of my garage. Where did this idea come from? I swear I’ve heard this dozens of times from clients and prospective clients. Do they advertise … Read More
The #architectvalentines summary – 2013
Best Valentines day EVAR. . . The last few days have been spectacular. Architects and designers all over the twittersphere have twittered their affection, and it was good. Feel free to search for #architectvalentines to enjoy the love for yourself. In the meantime, here’s a few of my favorites. I may have gotten out of hand: “love” (minimalist architect valentine) … Read More